Thursday, March 13, 2008


My blog friend Simon from London tagged me with this mime. Another blog friend, Greeny, had tagged him.

Here are the rules.

1. Write your own six-word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

This is hard. Should I talk about being a wife, mother, grandmother and friend? Or should I talk about being a nurse and a caregiver? Maybe I should talk about what being a “church lady” means to me. Could I talk about my love of reading and music? I am much too complex to reduce my life to just six words. After much thought, I have come up with this description of me.

Blessed believer.
Looking forward with joy.

That’s me. Now I tag these people:

AM, my daughter who inspired me to start my own blog

Rosemary, who has an attic full of wonderful memories

John, the trucker who was a great friend to my girls in their camp Wamava days

Sling, my blog friend who always make me smile

Sandy, who leaves wonderful comments for me to enjoy

I look forward to your replies.


Sandy said...

Wow, a memoir in six words? Love your deliberation process and what you came up with - perfect. I'm in but need some think time.

Simon said...

An excellent meme. It IS hard, isn't it, distilling yourself down to just 6 words... but you find that people who know you think the meme you come up with suits you perfectly.

Sling said...

I can definitely see you in your memoir!
I'll give this a go soon. :)

Unknown said...

Yup, it suits you! Good job, mom.
And your tags will be fun to read too.

Simon said...

I'll make sure you get a link to the song(s)... although you might think you've done something wrong when you hear them!!

AM Kingsfield said...

A six word memoir is easier after a paragraph including what you considered. But I agree with Greeny - well done. Hhmmm, not I have to start thinking