Thursday, March 27, 2008


My husband just bought himself a new toy. It is a little copier that scans slides into our computer. We have several thousand 35 millimeter slides stored in boxes in our closet. He figures it will take a few years to get them all done, but it is his now his new project. It is fun to look at the old pictures and have all those old memories stirred up. He began at the beginning with our wedding in 1961 and has just finished that year.
The picture is one taken of me on our honeymoon to the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, just north of San Diego. I was twenty years old. My husband was twenty-three. It was a beautiful, quiet little resort. When we went to dinner that first evening we were sent back to our room so Dennis could get a tie. Gentlemen were required to wear ties in the dining room. On the day we checked out the resort management gave us a paperweight to keep as a souvenir of our honeymoon. I remember being totally embarrassed that they knew we were on our honeymoon. We hadn’t told anyone that it was our honeymoon. How could they have guessed?


Sandy said...

What a lovely place for a honeymoon! I'm guessing they could tell by your glow, you can't hide love. We have zillions of old slides somewhere, didn't know they could be copied into the computer. Hard to keep up with all this technology!

Maureen said...

Do you still have the paperweight?

just me said...

we have an analagous toy - a turntable that converts LPs into MP3 files (for computer, ipod, etc). The difference is that we haven't even set up the darn thing yet.

We have hundreds of vinyl records - our children haven't the first clue how to use them :)

Mom said...

The paper weight sits on the shelf over the couch in our living room.
When I talk about my albums the grandkids think I am talking about a book full of pictures.
AM's youngest daughter couldn't figure out how to use a rotary phone. She pressed the numbers and nothing happened. Technology baffles me, but I'm married to a rocket scientist.

Sling said...

We men love our toys!
..I'm cracking up over the rotary phone deal. :)

kenju said...

Thanks for the visits, Mom, and for letting me know you've been lurking. I welcome comments....LOL!

That's a good photo. Isn't it nice to have all those slides to look at now?

Zabetha said...

Hi Mom

Followed your link on Elderwomanspace to your blog here, looks great! I am curious about your new scanner though. I bought a scanner a few years ago that had an attachment for scanning slides and it was terrible, a great disappointment. I did way better with an old-fashioned slide projector and a camera and a white wall in a dark room. The trick of course was to find someone who had a projector, not an easy beast to come by these days! Anyway, I hope your scanner works for you, and if it does would you mind telling me make and model?

Mom said...

Anne, My husband loves this new gadget. It is called VuPoint filmsanner and is made by Hammecher Schlemmer. It only works for 35 mm slides.

Zabetha said...

Thanks! It's on my wish list now.