This afternoon we went to watch our almost 13-year-old grandson play lacrosse. We were a little late and spent the first several minutes just trying to pick him out on the field. Last year it was easy to find him because he was the biggest boy on the team. I finally realized the problem. I was watching the wrong game. He was on the field with the bigger boys. He is a year older and has moved up to the older team. This year he is one of the youngest and smaller players. It was amazing to me how much better these older kids played. They are much rougher and play with greater skill. This was no little kid game. This gramma has a problem watching the kids grow up so fast.
Last night we went to Ruby Tuesday’s for dinner. We had a phenomenal waiter. This tall, dark handsome young man was friendly and helpful and even volunteered to come do some yard work for me next week. The more than generous tip we left him was entirely due to our excellent service and had nothing to do with the fact that the waiter was our grandson. Our little boys are almost grown. The time does fly.