Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I have been taking a drawing class since I retired two years ago. At the start of each new semester we are asked to draw our hands. This is used as a measure of our drawing skills. Hopefully the drawings improve over time. The new semester just began so I have been studying my hands. Drawing is mostly about seeing, really seeing the object to be drawn. What do I see?

My hands are getting more interesting as I get older. The veins are far more visible as they snake across the back of my hand. The skin is looser, with lots of wrinkles and fine lines. The fingernails are cut short in an effort to keep them from splitting, but there are several splits and ridges in the nails. There are a growing number of brown spots scattered across the hand. My niece once asked my mother why there were so many brown spots on her hands. Mom replied that those spots were love spots. The more brown spots you have the more people there are who love you. If that is true, then many people love me. On the ring finger there is a wedding ring. It represents a long and happy marriage. I am blessed. These hands have thrown baseballs, tended babies, wiped away tears, washed dishes, cared for the sick, applauded the wonderful, and have been raised in worship. Young hands are smooth and unwrinkled. They hold onto dreams and possibilities. My hands are wrinkled and spotted. They reflect a full life, full of sorrows and full of joys.

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