Tuesday, May 23, 2006

One of the songs we learned this year for the Senior Chorale was “Shadowland,” from the Broadway version of The Lion King. It immediately became a favorite of the entire group. This is a song of longing and reassurance sung by a lioness to her family when it becomes clear that she must leave. The place that has been her home is no longer able to sustain her. There has been a drought and she must leave in order to survive. I think it touched all of us because we all could identify with a time when we had to leave a place we had loved. There was no choice. We had to go. The leaving was still painful and the journey ahead was unknown.

I thought of my spiritual journey. It was so painful to leave the religious tradition that had been my home. That home, though, had become dry and barren. There was no choice but to go and walk into an unknown future. God led my family and me on that journey to a place that has restored our souls. God is good. We have found a place where we can rest and feel at home.

What places have you left? Where has your journey led you?

“The river’s dry, the ground is broken, so I must go, now I must go.

And where the journey may lead me, let your prayers be my guide.

I cannot stay here my family, but I’ll remember my pride.

I have no choice, I will find my way, Le a ha la le la

Prideland, my land, tear stained dry land

And where the journey my lead you, let this prayer be your guide. Though it may take you so far away, always remember your pride.”

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