When I started this blog I named it “The Best is Yet To Be” because I wanted to see if old age really would prove to be the best part of my life. So far the adage is holding true for me. In spite of aches and pains that make me grumble, my beloved and I are both healthy and able to do the things we love. Life is good.
I have spent time with several friends this week who are a little older than me. Their life is not good right now because the problems of old age have caught up with them. As the body wears out life can become very difficult. One dear friend has recently had to give up driving. Her body has become frail with chronic health issues and life is hard. I did a little grocery shopping and a few household chores she is no longer able to do. She needs help that she cannot afford and resents needing. Another of her dear relatives died this week. She grieves alone because she has outlived so many family members. This is not the best part of her life.
I took lunch to an older couple I know. They are sweet people with a bright outlook on life, but they have become frail. They need to move to a place where they can have more help and not be alone. They don't want to move. They don't want to give up driving. They want to be able to do what they have always done, but it is no longer safe. Their children worry about them, but they refuse to move just yet. This is not the best part of their life.
Another dear soul fell this week. When they took this ninety year old man to the hospital it was discovered that he has pneumonia and is quite sick. He has some dementia and is confused and afraid. His wife of many years sits with him all day to keep him calm, but she is also ninety and is completely worn out. This is not the best part of their life.
The list goes on, but you get the idea. Old age can really be awful. It is lonely,undignified and depressing. My beloved and I will be old like these dear friends one day not too far away. We have made plans and prepared for that time, but it is not a time I look forward to.
The top picture is of my sweet grandparents shortly before they became really old. They had lived a long and happy life. Don't they look happy?
Shortly after that picture granddaddy became blind. The picture below is of him and my grandmother in their backyard, “walking the line.” My uncles stretched a clothesline across the yard so he could have a guide to walk safely around the yard. He was able to stay home until my grandmother's death. He spent his last years in a nursing home. It was not the best part of his life.
The last picture shows me with my mom and dad and brothers the day before we moved dad to the nursing home. He spent four years there before he died. Those were very hard years. It was not the best part of our life.
Have you made plans for the days when you become really old?

As far as I know,no one in my family has ever made it to their 80's.
Only a couple have even made it to their 70's.
Mostly,we tend to exit in our late 50's and 60's.
My plan is to pretty much do the same.
I'm hoping you stay around a lot longer than that. Life is an uncertain thing.
mY dad was 49 and my mum66 when they died. None of my grandparents went to a nusing home. Family cared for them and put their lives on hold till they were not needed any more. its not fair for one child to do it but in some families all come together and help...this is the ideal. Your grand parents are so together now you can see by the similiarity of their faces in the top photo...they are real soul mates.
Hi Mom: I know this may sound yukky, but I really do not want to live that much longer. I am 50, adn if I see a healthy 70 it will be a miracle. I have no family left so to speak of. My brother is older than me and lives thousands of miles away and he has no plans to visit me. I have been down once but that was it. I have an aging husband, no children, so there you have it. Only hopes to go HOME soon. My years are going as fast as my retirement savings is receding...I will have to work until the day I die, even after all these years of saving like I was told to.
I related only too well your blog today---I do not see pleasant years ahead especially with health. I hope God will give me His grace to take me early. I long so to be with our Lord--I am tired of His earth frankly.
I was just discussing this matter with some of my patients yesterday( I worked on the Renal Ward last night which is for patients having or about to have dialysis, and transplants too). People are not just living til their 70's now, they are living until their 90's and early 100's. My Aunt's Aunt is going to be 113 this April. She still has her head about her, and all she wants to do now is fall asleep and not wake up. Just because she has out lived everyone of her children and her siblings.
Our healthcare is so good, and the preservatives in foods is keeping us alive so long that we are just like...living in a jar of preservative with a long expiry date!
My plan...is to be nice to my kids always, beause they will be the ones making decisions for me should I live a long life.
Thanks for the pictures of Pop and Grandmother. I vividly remember the "wire" strung around the back yard when Pop finally lost all his sight. Other memories I have when we visited their home was his overjoy when we grandkids came in. Invariably, he had at least a day old stubble on his cheeks, and he'd just hug us to death and we'd get a real "prickly" greeting - I don't think I loved that part then, but sure do now...
Tom F.
This is a hard subject to think about. I hope for good health for a long time and then wake up one morning in heaven, but things don't always happen the way we hope. I plan to seize the day and enjoy each day of life that I am granted. I hope I am able to enjoy all of your blog adventures for many years to come.
Clearly, y'all have never had a Bunny! I think y'all need to get one - or two! There are so many bunnies that desperately need a home and their hopping and popping around will provide many hours of happiness and fun for you (and the bunny) - at any age! There are many pets that would eat up your love. And you would feel good for helping them - that is a very important reason to stay on this earth! Maybe we're on this earth to help others.
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