Wednesday, July 04, 2007

On this Fourth of July I thought I would celebrate the freedom of expression by telling you about our afternoon in Venice Beach.

Venice Beach has to be the best place I’ve ever been for people watching. There is no dress code. Everything is acceptable. Freedom to be whoever you want to be is completely OK in Venice Beach. Along with the other tourists who had just come to gawk at the parade of characters there were many young people with multi-colored Mohawk hairdos and multiple piercings. They were dressed all in black. The majority of them were using skateboards to travel. One fellow was dressed all in loose white cotton plus his helmet, kneepads, and elbow pads. He was roller blading down the boardwalk while playing the guitar. Aspiring musicians were everywhere. They were armed with earphones, pleading with people to stop and listen to their music. In the picture you see Salty Salt, an about to become famous hip-hop musician, selling his CD to our daughter and her kids. Venice Beach is also known as Muscle Beach. There is an outdoor gym with weights and exercise equipment for public use. My favorite characters were the hefty men with oiled bodies strutting up and down for us to admire. One was dressed in a sparkling silver Speedo and a large brass medallion. Another had a tee shirt wrapped around himself as loincloth. It was wonderful to people who were so sure that were beautiful. I can testify that that opinion was not shared by any of the members of my family.

I love people watching. Where have you been to see such a parade of humanity?


Joan said...

I love strolling along Venice's a people watcher's paradise plus we get to escape the broiling heat of the city.

rosemary said...

Venice is such a neat place,,,my daughter and I used to go there often. Places and times like that make me homesick.

Cazzie!!! said...

Wow, I wanna come over there and people watch too..I love to watch people that walk past the front of my hospital in town. Nearby, there is Melbourne University...diverse people cross the street, wait for a bus or a tram, or ride their bikes too and fro... like you say, the hairdo's, the clothes, all too good to miss.