Thursday, August 28, 2008


Thanks you all for your thoughtful comments and the prayers for my family. I felt your love and concern and I cried.

I have loved watching the democratic convention. Michelle Obama and Hillary were both marvelous. They made me proud to be both a woman and a democrat. Bill Clinton did good last night. Joe Biden and his story inspired me. He is a great choice as a running mate. I am looking forward to hearing Barak tonight.


John said...

Your family was raised up in our church prayer time last night. It's great to know that we can have people all over the world praying for us and that it really does matter.

Queenie said...

Hi there, thanks for the visit, lovely blog you have here. I read your last post, so very sad, I send my thoughts to your brother & sister-in-law. Take-care see you soon...

AM Kingsfield said...

I am excited to watch the historic speech tonight!

rosemary said...

i will walk later today in my heavenly forest and will add you to my conversation with my best friend, I gave you my tears???