Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Hibiscus Lessons

One of the prettiest plants in my yard is a hibiscus. Every morning I go out and enjoy it's big beautiful pink blossoms. It is just a spectacular sight all day. As the sun goes down the blooms whither, turn brown and fall off. The next morning a new set of flowers show off their loveliness and the yesterday's blooms litter the ground and are blown away by the wind.

I talked with my brother Bill a long time tonight. His beloved wife Jean remains non- responsive. It has been a month since she fell and hit her head. She was fine one moment and then she was in the hospital having brain surgery. She has not awakened since her surgery. She is breathing on her own without the ventilator, but the neurological damage appears to be severe. She may never be aware of her husband's presence again. It is hard.

During the last six years Bill and Jean have enjoyed over twenty cruises. They love shipboard life and went every opportunity they had. Bill's advice to me tonight was to seize the day. Enjoy each and every moment of this precious life God gives you. Bloom brightly and enjoy your day in the sun light.

Good advice from my big brother.


Sling said...

..'and the leaves that are green,turn to brown'.
Good advice from elder bro' mom.
It saddens me when youngsters have to confront this before it's time.

Unknown said...

Ah, it is a sad thing for him and for everyone involved. Words are so hard to come up with at this moment.
I will be holding you all in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Jean and Bill have been on my mind and in my prayers all week. We may not understand any of this, but God has his plan and He loves all of you so much. I shall continue to pray.

Your hibiscus is so pretty. It's huge! No wonder you are so proud of them.

Jennie said...

Beautiful flowers, I love them too. So sorry for your family going through this.

DD said...

We will be praying for Bill and Jean through this season of life.