While going through old pictures we found these of a camping trip a long time ago. It was 1961. Our best friends were Randy and Edna. The four of us went camping in the middle of the Mojave Desert, way off any beaten road. We spread our sleeping bags on the sand under a clear sky watching the stars stars until we slept. It was the only time I ever shot a gun. Randy had a 45 service revolver from World War I which we used for target practice. My first shot practically knocked me over and the bullet shot into the sand about half way to the target. Randy tried to brace me while I shot again. This time I fell backward into Randy and the bullet landed about a fourth of the way to the target. I figured if I shot again I would shoot my foot off. On the way home our car hit a major pothole and got very stuck. In the process of digging and pulling it out of the hole the gas tank was punctured. As we stood there watching our fuel leak into the sand Randy pulled out a bullet and emptied the powder from it. He then stuck the bullet into the punctured tank and secured it with some well chewed gum. We got home safely and planned our next adventure in the desert sun.

Nothing like having a fun time camping and trying your hand at shooting, trying NOT to end up on your bottom, lol.
Fun times :)
The good old bullet and gum trick. Long time since I tried that one.
The 45 has quite a kick! I was given a pink-pearl handled .25 semi which I didn't want but it was a gift. So, I took a small-gun handling course at RCC, learned how to shoot, load, take care of guns. I've shot revolvers, semi-automatics, 38's, 45's, rifles and even a shotgun - still don't like guns. Pretty clever of Randy - last name MacGyver?
Pretty bold move,sleeping on the ground in the Mojave.We used to go out there to catch rattlesnakes,which are in abundance!
Smooth move on Randy's part. :)
You're lucky you didn't shoot your eye out!
McGyver McSchmyver!
What a trip!
I would never do now what i did at 20. We didn't have enough sense to be afraid and we were young enough that we thought the sand was comfortable. If were to go to the Mojave now i would ride in one of John's luxury couches and sleep in a nice hotel with clean sheets, indoor plumbing and air-conditioning.
I bet not much has changed in this desert! I love looking at oldies like this...memory lane is such a gift.
Seems Randy's boy scout days paid off.
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