Friday, February 01, 2008


I have been missing my mom a lot lately. It is strange how this longing for her overwhelms me. It seems like I see her everywhere I look. I don’t know why but she has been very much with me lately. She died in 2003 and dementia had taken her away years before that.

My very first memory is standing in my crib. The crib was a reddish, brown color. There was a wooden rocking chair by the window. Outside the window doves were cooing. I remember standing there listening and thinking they were crying. My mother was standing in the doorway. I looked at her and said, “They’re crying for their mother.” My mother picked me up and I felt safe.

Her memory is still a safe, warm haven for me.

The picture was taken in 1945. Mom and I are ready to go to church.


Cazzie!!! said...

Such lovely memories too. I love this image. I miss my nanna, I miss her smell..strange the things we miss.

Sling said...

I was just thinking the other day,about how I cried when my mom washed my hair while bathing me in the kitchen sink.
She passed in the early 90's.
Strange,the things we recall half a century later.

AM Kingsfield said...

My children look just like you. I can't imagine the loneliness of losing my mother.

Unknown said...

I haven't completely lost my dad yet although there isn't anything left of him except his body.
When I realize he is gone some times I can't go any farther with the thoughts.
Maybe one day.
And then they will be poignant. Cause he was a great guy.