Monday, December 07, 2009

In 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Thousands were killed. Our nation was stunned. A long, hard war was fought against Japan while another was being fought against Germany. The wars ended. Japan and Germany are both now our friends and allies.

In 2001 another enemy attacked our country. The towers fell. The pentagon was seriously damaged. Our nation was stunned. Thousands were killed. A long hard war is still being fought. Do you suppose that one day our grandchildren will consider the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq our friends and allies?


just me said...

I have to say I doubt it. Democracy is not for everyone, and our leaders have yet to learn that.

Random Thinker said...

From your mouth to God's ear. I hope so. Hatred never accomplishes anything.

Sling said...

I have some hope in that respect.
In wartime,people of different cultures tend to meet,and even marry..know what I'm sayin'?
A couple of generations down the road,and it becomes a lot more difficult to harbor ill-will against previous adversaries,that are now beloved relatives..Maybe I over simplify.

AM Kingsfield said...

Have you seen Mary Kate's blog? she's posted a video of 9 year olds sharing their world view. I bet they wouldn't know anything about Pearl Harbor.

Miss Healthypants said...

Very, extremely good question. I'm very hopeful...