Waterfalls and rivers are a big part of the scenery in Yellowstone. The two biggest are the Upper Falls and the Lower Falls that flow into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. This canyon is very deep and very narrow. I am told a river flows along the bottom of this deep canyon, but I did not see it. Seeing it would have required that I go to the very edge of the overlook and look straight down the steep wall of the canyon. I just couldn’t get closer than ten feet from the edge. I was pretty sure I would fall to my doom if I got any closer, so I just enjoyed the view from a few feet away. The walls of the canyon are a beautiful yellow stone, hence the name Yellowstone.
As we drove or walked through the park we came upon many beautiful rivers and falls. The pictures are of Lower Falls, Upper Falls, Lewis Falls, Kepler Cascade, Gibbon Falls and Tower Falls.
Why are waterfalls such a glorious and mesmerizing sight?
I absolutely adore waterfalls and find them so tranquil. Your photos are spectacular and, make we want to visit Yellowstone ASAP.
I am feeling the same... my mom wanted to take us to the national parks last summer, but it was a bus tour for two weeks and that was more than my daughter or I wanted to sign on for... but I am thinking I need to get out there soon, before the volcano erupts again! :-)
Just like fire, they put you into a trance like state these waterfalls....an unblinking stare if you will. These snap shots would be lovely posters for in hospital rooms you know. ever anything nice to look at on the wall of a patient's room..and they need something to take their mind away from their treatment :)
You're right, Cazzie. Hospital rooms do need something beautiful and peaceful to meditate on. You are obviously a patient advocate.
You can see that river on my blog in my Yellowstone pictures...it was way down there.
I am loving seeing Yellowstone from your perspective.
I recently watched a special about Yellowstone on the Science channel.It seems they are still discovering previously unknown waterfalls to this day!
Awesome pics mom...Thanks for sharing them!
Still discovering them?
That's wonderful. I'm glad there are still some wild places.
Waterfalls are frighteningly powerful and peacefully beautiful. Maybe it is the contrast, or the danger, that makes them so compelling.
Waterfalls...mmmm, I am so drawn to them. The "liquid light". I was watching this special on Niagara Falls the other day that said it's because of the negative ions the moving water produces--that's why there's so many honeymooners there. Makes you feel marvelous. Course then they said that may be whooey. Your waterfalls look like my waterfalls, love them!
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