Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pain & Blessings

The picture posted yesterday is the post-op x-ray of my daughter’s foot. She really was screwed. It took two metal plates and ten screws in her ankle to get the bones stabilized enough to heal properly. She came home from the hospital a few hours after surgery yesterday. Last night was a very long night. Her pain medicine just wasn’t doing the job and she wass in terrible pain most of the night. We talked to the doctor this morning and he added a few new meds to increase her pain relief. Hopefully she will be able to sleep tonight.

There are blessings in this ordeal. We are very aware of the love and prayers of many friends. We have had lots of offers of help. We know we are not alone and there is a host of folks ready to do whatever they can to help.

Another great blessing is special time with my grandchildren. They are so concerned about their mom and have been so sweet and helpful. Since mom has been drifting in and out of her drug-induced haze the past few days, I get to hear the daily reports of their adventures at school. That has been fun. Last night as I tucked the almost ten year old in she wanted me to hear her prayers. She prayed a prayer of thanksgiving. “Thank you, God, that my grandma can be here to support us in our time of need while my mommy is sick.” I could only say Amen.


Unknown said...

Yes, the whole family is lucky to have obvious love from friends and family. I'm sending my comfort vibes to you all.
Make sure someone gets to those toenails when they are in need of more polish. Gotta keep 'em looking pretty!

MarkEC said...

Hope the new meds do the job and you all get some rest tonight. My prayers have been very similar to your granddaughter's.

Cazzie!!! said...

Awesome blessings indeed!

Tracy said...

Family is great. You are blessed to live so close to your family.
It's hard being so far from family... especially during times like these.

I'm glad you have each other.

John said...

You are a great mother, grandmother and friend. Everyone who knows you is blessed to have you in their lives, whether they know it or not.