This morning I was sitting in the chair where I spend most of my life these days just chatting with my husband and our daughter. As we talked I glanced down at my hands and felt a moment of surprised panic. The diamond was missing from my engagement ring. How could that be? That diamond has been sitting in that ring on my hand for over fifty years. It is always there. My husband and daughter both jumped up and looked at my hand. I was not hallucinating. The ring was still on my finger, but the diamond was not in the ring. I jumped up as fast as a one legged woman who can't walk could stand up and wheeled myself and my scooter to the couch so the chair could be closely investigated. My daughter slowly removed each pillow and cushion. She turned the chair upside down and look in all the crevasses. She found lots of dust, but no diamond. My husband took the blankets off the bed and looked closely for my diamond. No shiny diamond in our bed. I was trying hard not to cry. Suddenly there was loud, “Eureka! I found it.” Somehow it had fallen into the trash can in the bathroom. It sat there shiny and bright under the collection of trash. I felt such sweet relief. It can be reset and fixed as good as new. My hand just feels naked without my diamond.
That which was lost has been found.
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Well, apparently diamonds are not forever. There is a small chip in my diamond which is why it fell from my ring. The jeweler says it cannot be reset without shaving it down to about half it's original size. It could be set as a pendant, but I don't want that, I want a ring - not a new ring, my ring. I am just sad.
Aw, Mom, sorry your diamond was damaged. I know how you feel. I lost my first wedding ring and now wear a replacement. It's just not the same.
Such a wonderful find. The same thing happened to me a few years ago when Mia was a baby. I lost my engagement diamond.. never to be found. Such dismay! Only for it to happen to me a few months ago AGAIN! I lost a heart shaped emerald from me second engagement stone... and so, I now only wear my plain wedding band and my friendship ring hubby got me about 18yrs ago.
Again, I am so pleased for you.. and I felt your pain while I read the post :(
me too - echoing cazzie.
could you sell the diamond to the jeweler and use the proceeds towards a replacement stone for your original setting? I would guess there would be an additional expense, but at least you'd have your ring back.
Sorry your diamond won't be able to be repaired. Could you have the setting resized to make the smaller diamond fit? At least that way you would have the original diamond and band still. Just smaller. Let us all know what you decide to do. is my solution.....smaller diamond into a setting for a granddaughter, or a new larger diamond in the old setting with the smaller one somewhere in the old setting if possible....or the old diamond in a new setting, or the old setting turned into a birthstone ring with the old diamond put safely someplace.....I could go on. I was sitting in a restaurant when for some reason I felt my ring and the stone slid out of the setting. Lucky for sure....but the stone has been re-set several times because I wore it all of the time and nursing was not kind to my rings. Eventually I gave one setting to my son to give to his bride with their stone in the middle and another my daughter made into earrings. I still have my original stone in another setting but it is in the safe deposit box.
that is so mum lost not only her wedding ring, but her mum's wedding ring and then her grandmother's wedding ring - each loss broke her heart and i remember this as if it was yesterday
I personally don't wear a wedding ring, but I can certainly appreciate the panic you felt--as I used to wear a wedding ring and lost the diamond from it.
It was certainly not a fun moment to look down and realize it was gone. I'm glad you found yours. :)
Me personally? It doesn't bother me not to wear a wedding ring--Iwanski doesn't wear one either. I guess for me, I don't ever wear, if there was a wedding necklace--specifically a choker--that I could wear, I might be more down with that. *smiles*
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