When I was a little girl May Day was a day celebrated with flowers. We would make little paper baskets and fill them with flowers from our yards. Then, armed with our flower baskets, we would sneak up to the neighbors' porches, hang the floral baskets on the door knobs, run and hide behind the bushes and watch as the neighbors opened their doors. Our neighbors always feigned great delight and surprise at the baskets we delivered. I'm sure none of them had noticed us spending the morning picking all the flowers from their yards.
Did any of you ever deliver May Day flower baskets?
In honor of May Day I am sending you all a virtual basket filled with flowers from my yard.




Chinese Andromeda
Mom, I love that idea and I am sure the neighbors were delighted. Flowers bring so many smiles.
No, I've never delivered May Day flower baskets...but thank you for the virtual basket--the flowers are beautiful! :)
We never did it,but I've heard of the tradition..Thanks for the lovely flowers. :)
I remember picking violets and leaving them on people's front porches. Not sure why we did it. I had forgotten about it until I read your post. It probably originated from the May Day tradition.
Thank you especially for the violets....they are starting to come up here too!
Thank you...what a lovely idea...never have had this tradition down under...the seasons are in reverse...our seasons of course are in the righ place...
I wish I had a Chinese Andromeda!
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