Monday, May 24, 2010


Since Mother's Day when we heard from our long lost boy and his wife I have been learning to adjust to a new way of thinking. I am thrilled beyond measure to know this boy is alive and well, but I have to learn how to think about some new realities. My son is a sergeant in the infantry fighting in a war zone. I now look for his face on the evening news. The war in Iraq seems much closer and more personal than before. He is expected to return home in early fall. (The picture was taken the day he shipped out last fall.)

I have a daughter-in-law and teenage step granddaughter that I did not know existed. My new daughter-in-law and I have had several long phone conversations. She and her daughter live on the other side of the country. The more we talk the more I like her. There is so much we both want to know. We are going to meet them this summer. I am excited and nervous about that. She is excited and nervous too.

Our boy has contacted his ex-wife, the mother of the daughter he has not seen in eight years. He wants to try to re build a relationship with his daughter, but isn't quite sure how to start. It will not be an easy thing to do after so many years. His little girl does not yet know that he has contacted us. Everyone is trying to figure out how best to do it. How does a long lost dad re-enter his daughter's life?

We feel blessed to have all these new realities as part of our life. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.


Jennie said...

May all of you have many blessings throughout the coming year! Sounds like many hearts will be touched.

just me said...

It all sounds great, but I can't help but wonder whether his deployment is what brought it on. I don't mean to put a pin in your balloon, and I'm glad you're reconnecting, but please watch yourself.

I say this with the utmost love and respect.

Tracy said...

I'm sure it is partly because of his deployment. He's in a situation that is forcing him to think about things in his life he may not want left undone or unsaid. That is natural for a soldier.

However, knowing him, I'm hopeful that this will be a new chapter for all of you. I love T and I'm so happy he is in contact with you and hopefully back in your lives for good. There is a lot of love to be shared with him. It's been a long time coming.

Random Thinker said...

So happy for you and your family as you get reacquainted with each other.

rosemary said...

You pose a difficult question and the answer will have to come from everyone's heart. I know you will smooth the way, Sue.

Middle Child said...

I just love it when I hear stuff like this - good things do happen and this is wonderful

Unknown said...

This is amazing and I wish you all involved the best for this new situation.

Sling said...

I know exacrly what you mean about the new realities..
Isn't it absolutely wonderful!

Miss Healthypants said...

It's an exciting time...and I hope that you continue to keep us posted about how it all unfolds. *smiles*