Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Life Goes On

AM is feeling better. She now is the proud owner of a wheelchair with a leg support. With her new wheels she can get around the ground floor of her house and we were even able to get her to church on Sunday. She is only taking the good drugs at bedtime now. Ibuprofen gets her through the day so she is not feeling so groggy. She has a post-op visit this afternoon to remove the stitches and hopefully get a lighter weight, more comfortable cast.

I have finally looked around beyond my busyness and noticed the world has just continued right on. Babies have been born, other people are sick, or have far bigger problems than ours. The summer trees have started to turn yellow and red with colorful leaves swirling in the air. Life just continues on with or without my participation.

Yesterday was AM’s youngest child’s tenth birthday. My how the time has flown! She celebrated the day by eating Cold Stone ice cream for breakfast. On your birthday you get to break a few rules.

I find that almost everyone has a broken bone story. Whenever I tell about my daughter's broken leg I hear about someone else who had a worse break. What’s your broken bone story? What happened? What was it like when it you were recovering?


Tracy said...

You know about all my broken bone stories since you worked in my pediatrician's office.

When I was in 3rd grade I jumped off the the swing on my neighbor's swingset and broke my right arm. I still remember how bad it hurt. Mom says she knew it was broken by looking at it. I don't remember it looking different but I remember the pain was incredible. Worse than that was the shot in my butt they gave me to sedate me before they set my arm. Apparently the Blechinger's were at BHC at the time with Alba and they all heard me screaming from the waiting room. According to mom, "The entire hospital heard you screaming." In my drug induced stuper I remember them taking my arm and "arm wrestling" with me and again, the pain. But it healed and I'm good now.

AM Kingsfield said...

I'm so glad it wasn't my child. I would hate to have them feel this way. Poor baby!

rosemary said...

No really bad breaks for me; a finger, a toe. My kids on the other hand have more than made up for what I missed....unless you count the fall out of the camper....I probably broke my brain in that one.

Joan said...

I'm so sorry to read about your daughter's broken leg but I am happy to hear about all the love and support family and friends are heaping on her during this difficult time.

As for my broken bone stories, they consist of a broken wrist at age 5, a broken right elbow just before taking my Masters comprehensive exams (I had to postpone graduation for a semester), and a broken left elbow a few years later after I started working. I guess you can say I'm orthopedically challenged.

julie said...

Broke my nose three times and no, it isn't crooked...once riding my tricycle down some very steep concrete stairs at probably 3 yrs. old, falling down the stairs at my new house at 4 yrs. old and then kicked in the face by a very big boy in high school while playing soccer.
Broke my arm in three place in college while roller skating. That hurt!!!
I am glad that normalcy is slowly showing its face again in your lives.

Cazzie!!! said...

When I was a kid, my then boyfriend bunked me upm on his horse (that did not have a saddle on it) and I went over the other side. I broke my arm and needed surgery to reset it into place. 8 weeks later the plaster came off and then physiotherapy was undertaken.
Later the same year, my sister pushed me over on my roller skates and broke my other arm. Six weeks in plaster and I became proficient in the use of my non dominant left arm..writing and so forth.

I'm sure things will settle there..it does take time. Having Vitamin C and Zinc either in the diet or as supplementary to it in tablet form helps with the healing of all wounds. Of course, calcium is important for optimal bone health. As is having some meat alongside some orange juice to aide the uptake of iron which is important to get the nutrition to the bones and the muscles surrounding the injured area and get back to optimal health :)

Oh, and with the Ibuprofen, make sure it is taken after food, or after a milk drink, it is not good for the stomach..ulcers and the like can result after long use. :)

Kathleen Joaquin Burkhalter said...

Get well soon to your daughter! Ouch!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I looked at your favorite books and I love all those. :)


Mom said...

Wow Cazzie, I think your broken bone story tops the daughter's.
thanks for the nurse advice. She is eating a more healthy than normal diet.

Lorraine said...

I have never -knock wood- broken a bone.