Monday, October 22, 2007


October 22, 1963, was a day that changed my life forever. I became a mother and my world turned upside down. I have learned that a topsy-turvy world is normal for parents.

I thought I was well prepared for motherhood. I had babysat and been around children all my life. I wanted to be mother. I was a labor & delivery room nurse. I knew what to expect. I was experienced with newborn babies. None of that prepared me for what being a mother really means. I was unprepared for the emotions. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this fierce, protective overwhelming love that has guided my every thought and decision since that day. I never knew what fatigue really was before I had children who were so very present. They never stopped needing me. I was unprepared for the anger a usually adorable two-year- old in the midst of a “terrible twos” episode generated in me. There was this enormous feeling of uncertainty. I always thought my parents just knew what to do because they were parents. The truth was that there were so many times that I had no idea what was the right thing to do. Then my children turned into teenagers. They were good kids, but I lived in a perpetual state of fear. They were so confident and felt so sure of themselves. They took risks that made me tremble. They made friends that made me uncomfortable. Then they did something that I was totally unprepared for. They grew up. It just surprised me. One day they were babies, who needed me for everything, and then I turned around and they had all become adults. I am stilled a bit stunned that these wonderful people who are my best friends are in fact my babies. Letting them go and become the good people they have become was the hardest and the best part of being their mom. I am intensely proud of each of them. I still love them with a fierce, protective, overwhelming love. They amaze me.

Happy birthday, Laurel! Thank you for being you. Thank you for putting up with being our practice child. I love you!


rosemary said...

What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. My oldest was born in 1962....I bet each of my children think they were the practice babies/kids/teenagers

Linda said...

Wow. That was so touching. I know exactly how you feel...except the grown up part to come. I still remember as if it were yesterday when they put Cory in my arms and I looked down and my breath disappeared. I had never felt anything like that before. You described it perfectly. Thanks for the morning reflection of love.

Sling said...

Well Happy Birthday Laurel!
That was a sweet recap. :)

AM Kingsfield said...

I'm glad she broke you in for me!

MarkEC said...

I will be coming to you for advice... hopefully my daughter will grow up to love and befriend me as yours do you!

Paul Nichols said...

Well written!!!

Tracy said...


Unknown said...

Sniff...beautiful and you hit every nail on the head, Mom.