This is the first week of school in my town. My grandkids are excited to be starting a new school year.
This picture is dated September 16, 1946. It is a picture of me on my first day of school. I started nearly a month later in the year the kids here are starting their school year. Notice my little school bag. I never owned a backpack. I don’t remember ever having homework until I was in high school. Of course I wore a dress. Girls wore dresses. I hated my shoes, but my mother was a firm believer in good supportive shoes for children. No sneakers or flip-flops for me. I walked to school, about 2 blocks to Lincoln Elementary. I loved kindergarten and my teacher, Miss Simmons. Our classroom had a big fishpond built into a bay window alcove. It was made of tile with a wide bench around the top. I used to sit there and watch the fish. The playground was at the foot of a small hill. One day I ran down the hill straight into the merry-go-round and got a bloody nose when I hit it. My mom had to come and take me home. I went to school all day, but I always walked home for lunch. My Mom was always home to fix my lunch before I walked back to school. My older brother was a crossing guard. He took his job very seriously. He would stand with his arms held out to prevent us from crossing until he deemed it was safe. Then he would say, “There are no cars in sight. You may cross.” I was very proud of him.
What memories do you have of your early school days?
I remember kindergarten...first day. Hankie and name pinned to my dress, stupid saddle oxford shoes...same thing, practical. I was supposed to meet my mom at the "door" of the building to walk home, but I went out the wrong door, spent my time sliding down the cement handrail that was probably a foot wide, tore my new dress and panties and when my mom found me I got a good smack on those torn places.
Poor little Rosemary. Not a good beginning.
Sue, your mom was smart in buying strong and supportive shoes...your ankles have never had to be operated on and they still work just fine...it's just those knees that are the problem.
I love this picture...you are looking just a little bit nervous.
I have never noticed how much your oldest daughter looks like you.
WOW! It's like a black and white of her.
I don't remember even attending Kindergarten. I even asked mom if I went to Kindergarten. She promises I did, but I don't remember much about it.
My first memory was of 1st grade. Mrs. Wilson was her name and she was a "big" lady and was mean. She scared the crap out of me actually.
Then, I had her again in 3rd grade. She scared me just as bad then too.
How very cute. I had a little brown suitcase. It lasted me til grade 5. Amazing really
You look way too little. I think I would have kept you home another year.
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