Saturday, August 25, 2007


Last week The Washington Post had a front-page article that said, “Elderly Staying Sexually Active.” Well, duh, maybe next week they can publish a study that says the elderly still enjoy eating. Elderly is defined in the article as anyone over the age of fifty-seven. Why would anyone assume people quit enjoying sex just because they have gotten older? I just don’t understand why this article seems to report surprise at the behavior of us old folks. Now, I haven’t done any scientific research, but I can share a lot of anecdotal evidence that indicates this report is correct.

I remember talking with my mom during a visit to celebrate Mom and Dad’s fiftieth anniversary. She smiled sweetly and said to me, “Honey, when you’re eighty, it takes longer, but we have more time.” I blushed and she grinned and said that she just wanted to give me hope for the future. Since we are now nearing seventy, I find that a happy thought.

Several years ago a young co-worker of mine learned my husband and I were celebrating our fortieth anniversary. She asked if it would be OK to ask me a personal question and I said sure. She wanted to know “How do you kiss the same man for forty years?” She blushed when I replied, “All kinds of ways, Sweetie, All kinds of ways.”

An older co-worker, a seventy year old widow, once told me, “You know I sure would love to have the chance once more to have a night of wild sex. I miss sex.”

I remember a sweet little old man who came into our doctor’s office every month to get his testosterone shot. He always came on a Friday so he would be ready for the weekend. One day he came in for his appointment and I asked if he were there for his usual shot. He looked down and said, “No Ma’am, I think I got me the clap.”

How about you? Have you got any good anecdotes to support the conclusion of this article?

For another point of view on this article check out my daughter’s blog.


rosemary said...

I had to laugh at this post. I remember thinking that my mom had 2 kids so she must have had sex twice.....then I grew up. You know what, it isn't sex after truly is making love.

Linda said...

I still want to know what Dennis was doing dancing with those women on your daughter's senior sex blog! That just sounds wrong....

Joan said...

To this day, I still have trouble using the term "sex" in the same sentence as "mom" and "dad." I'm sure they engaged in such activity (my sister and I are proof) but it just gives me the shivers when I try and form an image.

Unknown said...

Viva la Sex!
I laughed hartily at this post, too! What a great line about how you kiss your husband! And what Rosemary said about it being truly love making.
My sibs and I generally ick out when thinking about our mother and father and that word. But when I was talking to my mom different times, she said she wasn't looking forward to the coming years with my father gone because they had been really "close". I felt so badly for her. It was another thing her life had lost.
Thanks for a great post!

John said...

My kids call it "napping" when refering to me and my wife. Maybe that's my fault. sunday afternoons we nap. Both versions. And I'm not a senior. I don't get the discount yet so I'm NOT a Senior.

Cazzie!!! said...

Once, my pa came home from a long stay in hospital. My nan and pa were so happy to see each other..of course. That night I lay asleep on the couch when I hear what I thought was a possum in the other bedroom...alas, it was not a possum, i was my nan and pa sharing their love...good for them....I put my fingers in my ears :)