Saturday, March 17, 2007


Today is my baby boy’s birthday. He is thirty-eight years old. Paul is our fourth child and our second son. He was born just five years after his oldest sibling. It is hard to find a picture of Paul alone. He was number four He relished becoming an only child after all the older siblings went off to college and he was finally the only one home to get all of our attention

School was hard for Paul. We were told he would never learn to read. Paul reads. We were told he could never finish high school. He finished high school. We were told he could never succeed at college. He is working on his master’s degree. Paul is a wonderful man. He fills this mother’s heart with pride.

Happy birthday, Paul!


AM Kingsfield said...

Look at that cute liddle baby!

Miss Bunny said...

Awwww. Looks just like him. He is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. My mom recently said (with emphasis) that Paul is very wise. I agree. Happy Birthday Paul!

Miss Bunny said...

uhhh. I guess that would be my grandma.