Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Disneyworld always brings back memories of other times.

It was May 15,1960, my 19th birthday. Dennis had invited me to go to Disneyland with him where we would meet several of our friends from college. We had been dating just over a year at the time. When I got in the car he asked me to put something in the glove compartment. I said I would just hold it. He insisted that I put it in the glove compartment. I did and found a jewelry box that contained a diamond ring. He smiled and asked if I would marry him. I cried. I could not speak but I did nod my head. Finally I said yes. We had to go back in the house then and tell my parents. They were happy and we all laughed and cried. Finally we left for our date in Disneyland. It seemed to be a magical and romantic place that evening. All of the lights were twinkling just for us. We rode over London on the Peter Pan ride and dreamed about our future. Everything would be wonderful in the happily ever after we planned together. When we ran into our friends I showed off my sparkling diamond and glowed in the joy of love and excitement. I have always loved riding the Peter Pan ride and remembering that wonderful, magical evening.

Where were you when you became engaged? Was it beautiful and romantic? Was it funny and silly? Have you lived happily ever after?


julie said...

Our engagement wasn't really romantic but it was sweet. Tim had the ring in his shoe while we were taking a walk, so I wouldn't know about it until he asked. And yes, we have lived happily ever after....not always easy but I would do it all over again if he asked.

AM Kingsfield said...

My experience, or my memory of my experience has a different feel.
I was in your living room, Mom, just past midnight watching the Thursday episode of the Johnny Carson show. It clicked over to "Good Friday," prompting my Ex to go through with his script.
"So, are you sure you love me? You want to be with me?" he asked in a way that irritated me.
"Yes," I sighed. Hadn't we been through this enough since we had reunited at the beginning of the year.
Then he pulled the ring out on me, went down on one knee, and we did the whole script. I forgot the irritation and we went and told my parents. We laughed, we cried. All seemed pleasantly happy.
Maybe I should have paid closer attention to the irritated feeling.