Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today is our forty-eighth wedding anniversary. We were young and in love. We didn't know what lay ahead. We just knew we wanted to be married, so we began life's journey together. I often wonder how two kids from California ended up in Maryland with eight grandchildren. It has been a wonderful journey. There have good times and bad times and lots of in between times. God has blessed us.

To celebrate this milestone we went to see Man of La Mancha at our local community theater last week-end. The story is a powerful telling of how one man's love and his quest to right all wrongs can change a woman from an unwanted cast-off into a beloved and beautiful lady. The music always makes us both cry.

Dennis, thank you for letting me be your Dulcinea. Thank you for leading us to find unreachable stars. You have made so many impossible dreams come true. I love you.


rosemary said...

YEA....48 YEARS AND COUNTING!!!! I love the music from The Man!!!

Sharon said...

Happy Anniversary!!

just me said...

you must have been a child bride :)

hearty congratulations from my house to yours!

Jennie said...

Happy Anniversary - 48 years!! What a blessing.

Sling said...

48 years,and clearly the love you have for each other has only gotten dtronger.
Happy Anniversary!!

Cazzie!!! said...

Absolutely fabulous, many man happy returns!

AM Kingsfield said...

Since your video clip was removed, I'll fill in the singing for you all.

To dream, the impossible dream,
To fight, the unbeatable foe,
To bear, the unbearable sorrow,
To run, where the brave dare not go...

(imagine my voice is deep and booming and sweeping hand gestures.)