Sunday, July 05, 2009

Willie Wonka

Part of our July 4th celebration included attending the matinée performance of Willie Wonka. Our church has a theater troupe which has just presented an excellent rendition of Roald Dahl's chocolaty story. I am amazed at the talent that I saw. Most of the performers were children, but many adults were in the cast also. It was an amazing set. The costumes were wonderful. The patience and hard wok of the directors were awesome. My talented eleven year granddaughter was the understudy for Mike TV. In the other shows she one of the Oompa Loompas. The understudy cast did the show on the Fourth. They were all just as talented as the main cast, just a bit younger.

I think I will be singing, “Oompa Loompa Oompa Dee Do” for a long time.

Well done to the entire cast and crew!


Anne said...

I think I'll have the tune to "eat more" in my head for a while.

Cazzie!!! said...

That is brilliant..I get so excited to see what the kids can truly do.. excedingly well, and with pride :)

Middle Child said...

Cazzie is so right...its brilliant...and our family always loved Willy kids are 34 and 31...but still have fond memories of this story

rosemary said...

Looks like great fun....and having the understudy cast do the show was even better.