Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday School

I came across this picture last week. It is a photo of my eldest daughter’s first Sunday School class. She is the cutie pie wearing the bonnet in the middle of the group. The date was 1965. She was twenty months old. Going clockwise around the table from her we see Kim. Kim became an engineer and moved to Seattle where she lives with her husband and a menagerie of animals. The dark haired young teacher is Donna. She has moved to Nashville and is now a great grandmother. I don’t know who she has in her lap. Next is Melodie. She was married and divorced. Last I heard she was an aerobics teacher in Florida. Then we come to the twins, Rocky and Raye, daughters of the teacher Donna. They are both married in living in Nashville. Raye is a grandmother. I’m not sure who the next little girl is. I think her name is Joanna. Then we are back to daughter number one. She grew up, married, raised two beautiful children and still lives in Bowie. The baby in the crib is Graden, the only boy child in the group. He is married with a couple of kids. The last I heard he was selling medical equipment and living in Arkansas. I am just out of the picture feeding my newborn daughter who grew up, married, divorced, and is the mother of three beautiful children. They live here in Bowie too.

Church and Sunday School were a big part of all of these kids lives. Some of them are still faithful to the Church of Christ in which they were raised. Some have found a home in other denominations. Some are no longer believers.

Are you still a part of the faith community in which you raised?


Sandy said...

Being of Scandinavian descent, I was raised Lutheran but have attended and belonged to different denominations - including Church of Christ. My core belief system has remained relatively unchanged though. I'm impressed that you've kept track of so many in your daughter's Sunday School class - and she is a cutie pie!

Unknown said...

That is an adorable picture.
You've posted enough photos of your clan that I was able to pic yours out of the group before you mentioned which was yours! Hope that isn't unsettling...
You know from many posts that I suffer from un-spiritualization. Things didn't stay jelled and certainly not in the form of attendance. I have a General Baptist history. Maybe that's the problem...

just me said...

Even if I weren't married to a rabbi, I couldn't imagine being anything else but Jewish.

One of the nice things about Judaism is that your practice can evolve over time, but you're still a Jew - unless, of course, you convert to something else entirely.

Anne said...

Yes, I'm still apart of my community of faith. but you knew that.