It is hard to find words to describe all the emotions involved in watching our grandson become one of the nation's newest airmen. Of course we are very proud of him. Getting through basic training was a major accomplishment. We were all amazed at the transformation he has gone through in the past eight weeks. When he left he was a boy. This week-end we met a motivated, disciplined, physically-fit young airman.
Nine of us flew from Maryland to join the festivities of graduation weekend. Thursday we were all up before dark to get our first glimpse of John in the Airman's Run. It was very cold in the Texas morning. We strained our eyes trying to pick him out as the trainees ran by us. It was a bit like trying to find Waldo because they all looked very much alike. Then we saw him. He looked great!

The coin ceremony came a few hours later. This was a big deal. The graduates in their blues paraded onto the drill pad. After a few speeches they received their first Air Force coin, an important symbol of becoming a member of the US Air Force. At the conclusion of the ceremony we were finally able to really see him and hug him and talk to him. To say his family was happy and excited for him would be a great understatement.

During the afternoon he entertained us with funny stories about the past eight weeks. I don't believe I have ever heard my quiet grandson talk so much. It seemed like he just had a never ending list of things he wanted to share. We were a proud and happy audience.

Friday morning was the graduation parade. Flags, marching, airplanes. Now his uniform was decorated with a stripe and ribbons. He was promoted from trainee to airman and took his official oath. There were many tears of pride from all of us.
Saturday we enjoyed a day in the beautiful city of San Antonio while he continued to tell us more stories. He was excited to be off base for the first time since arriving eight weeks earlier.

He is now off to tech school at Sheppard Air Force base for a few months. He is excited about this next next step in his career.
Our little boy has become a man.
Congratulations! I know you are all very proud of him. The AF is very proud of its tradition and ceremony. Thanks for the photos. They were great.
We have very close friends who are stationed at Sheppard right now so if he needs anything, I can tell him who to call locally. :-)
Wow! He looks great.
How exciting for your family to be there to share this big moment in his life. He looks so confident and sure of himself. Congratulations to him on his achievement.
I'm still smiling...until I try to talk about his accomplishments. Then I turn into a cry baby all over again. He arrived at Sheppard yesterday around 2 and received "a TON" of briefings.
Thanks so much for being there with us.
Handsome young man he is! Congratulations to him and you for raising such a dedicated son.
You have every right to be proud of this fine young man.
Best wishes on all his future adventures!
That is so awesome Mom! I am proud of him too and I do not even know him :)
I was in the Air Cadets when I was a teenager, and I loved the whole military/working as a team idea. Training was hard, but at the end you feel such pride.
Hubby was in teh Australian Army Reserves. I remember going to see him after his basic training, at his pass out parade, what joy!
Lovely times, marked by all the family, how splendid.
How very proud you must be....how very grateful I am for his service to our Country. May God bless him!
I can't wait to see the full slide show! My son has been telling stories of the weekend a little at a time. I'm so proud of John!
Aww, you sound so proud of him--as well you should be!! :) :)
Congratulations to your grandson! Our son spent 9 years in the AF. He was a pilot there. Now he's an International pilot for Delta. So there is great potential in store for your grandson.
And...in the early 80s I was on a civilian paint crew that repainted all the classrooms, office buildings, dorms rooms and hangars at Sheppard AFB. It only took two years. Great job, too.
Again, congratulations. You have every right to be proud.
That is so wonderful and he is so very handsome - you have every reason to be proud
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