Blizzard number two blew through here yesterday and broke all records. This winter we have had over eighty inches of snow. For an area that goes many winters with no snow that is a lot of snow. This part of the world has pretty much stopped.
The pictures of my firstborn and my young husband taken in 1965 show a more typical snow for Maryland.

That's the kind of snow I remember, I nice boring coating of quickly disappearing snow. You had to run out and make a snowman before it disappeared. This time there's no room to make a snowman! We're now making small huts with the giant piles.
Wow, you really did get hit!! That's crazy--we didn't even get that much snow here in Chi-town.
But we don't need it--you can keep it. *smiles*
I guess the difference between little Sandpoint and the State of Maryland are numbers.....we have a total of maybe 50K in the county and 12K in and around town. No shut downs and maybe a snow day for the kids. That icicle photo....I call them witches fingernails!
That's just crazy amounts of snow!
And wow..I just figured out you've lived in the same house since 1965!..That's cool.
Wow you have been hit hard this year. Just a year ago it was like that here in Spokane. We have had little to none of the white stuff this year. We are happy to share!
Stay warm and don't work too hard at shoveling the fluffy stuff. Like Sling, I can't believe you still live in the same house. How many years have you lived there?
We moved into this house in January 1964. We had a 2 month old baby then. We raised 4 kids in this house and now have 8 grandkids who think this is where Christmas should be celebrated. The little girl in the picture is now the mother of a 23 old accountant and a 20 year old airman. Our roots are long and deep here. If we have to be snowbound this is the place to be snowbound.
We only got about 10 inches here in Detroit. You guys got hammered. Love the VW bug. My Dad drove them during the 60's too.
I have only ever seen snow - once - for a few hours after 6am till about 19am when it melted...Maybe I am deprived or sommat
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