I have been going through old pictures for the past week. It is a bit overwhelming to wade through this treasure of memories. They are stored in boxes, drawers, and old albums. There are at least a million of them, maybe a billion. Some are of people and places long forgotten. Some are priceless treasures with powerful memories. What do you with all of your old pictures? What shall I do with mine? There are just so many of them.
This pictures was made in 1992. It was taken on my mom's last visit here, the visit where she first met her great grandchildren, Ashley, John and Samantha. This one is obviously a treasure that should be passed on to the next generation of my family.
there's a cool gizmo in the hammacher schlemmer catalog - it's called a photograph converter. the description says it's faster than a scanner and saves the images directly to your computer. their website is hammacher.com.
what a great photo! I agree it's a treasure.
boy,, i have missed a lot of posts...I'll catch up. as for old photos....after trying to give them to my kids and them constantly refusing i threatened to throw them out. finally all of them decided our family pictures were worth keeping. so, i divided them up and mailed them off. all of them are glad that i did. i scanned many of them but on this last trip i saw that both my daughter and youngest son have many of them displayed
I agree with 'just me'.
You could scan groups of photos onto your computer,and transfer them onto CD's.
Of course,it's wise to preserve the originals safely away from light,and the elements..Those are irreplaceable.
It amazes me that my Princess Pixie Dust was, even then, in her Disney gear!
The old photo question ... I have a picture of this great grandmother as a 2 month old child (wow that's old!) but she circled herself on the photo and wrote "Me at 2 months" on the front!
Morale of the story ... only write on the BACK of your pictures!
Old pictures. Oy. I have so many and I have decided that trying to organize them into albums is a fools errand. I think I'm going to sort them by some sort of type into various boxes...partly because I think it is more fun to rifle through a stack of photos than turn pages of an album. THEN I have this notion that I'm going to start looking through something like 6 years of digital photos (which are, at least, neatly categorized) and find representative photos from each year and make mini albums. Because as convenient as digital photography is, I also miss having the actual photo. You know?
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