Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Today we received a sweet thank you note from the friends who were our recent houseguests. In the note they said, “Staying with a seasoned couple was good for our marriage.” Now I know that is a compliment, but I also know that seasoned here means old. We have been married forever and have been through a lot of life together. I guess seasoning is just what comes from living a long time. It is nice that someone finds us to be well seasoned.

1 comment:

AM Kingsfield said...

Seasoned wood burns cleaner and hotter. Seasoned steaks take better. Burning or eating them too soon detracts from their beauty. Some thing simple can't be rushed. I don't know if they meant to say your marriage was hot and delicious, but it has certainly put off enough heat to keep me warm and to leave a lingering sweet taste in my mouth about marriage.
I think that was a perfect word choice!