Wednesday, January 13, 2016

 1000 gifts

It has been a very long time since I posted anything on this blog. There was a time when this blog and and all the friends I found here were an important part of my life. I miss blogging. One of  my new year's resolutions was to try to resurrect my blog. I have decided I will begin with a long list of of my life's many blessings. 

            I am reading a book about a woman who is making a list of 1000 different gifts that God has given her. Being thankful is her way to fight depression. She says being thankful is the path to joy. That makes sense to me, so I am going to try to make a list of 1000 gifts that God has given to me. Most are small things. Some things may not seem at first like blessings, but really turn into unexpected gifts from God. And each gift on my list must be something unique that is not already on my list. This will take a while. I will try to list a few blessings each day. When I reach a thousand we will celebrate and I will begin again.

1.    The smell of fresh coffee in the morning.
 My sweet husband does not drink coffee, but he fixes a pot every night so that it is ready every morning for me to just push a button. The smell of coffee makes me feel loved.
2.    Beautiful sunsets. Tonight’s sunset was splendid.
3.    A long, happy phone conversation with my daughter-in-law.


rosemary said...

I've been waiting..... Jimmy was a wonderful post....but, I'm glad you are back. Wow, 1000 things....I'm with you on all 3. YAY, SUE!

Tom and Nancy said...

I enjoyed that book and continue to find things to be thankful for.