Friday, April 01, 2011


It has been almost eight months since my foot surgery last summer. There have been times when I thought I would never recover, but on this first day of April I can say that I now believe I will indeed recover.

Two months ago I limped into the physical therapy office leaning on a cane. Yesterday I was discharged from therapy and walked out without assistance. I have not completely achieved my goal of walking a mile, but I can walk a third of a mile. I am not yet without pain, but I no longer need pain medicine. I can't yet stand on just my left foot, but I can stand on my own two feet. The rest of my recovery will just take time and persistence. Last week I returned my wheelchair and donated my wonderful knee scooter to the Lions Club.

Next week we are going to the beach to find out how far I can walk on the boardwalk. Life is looking good here.


Random Thinker said...

Good news. And just in time for the nice weather.

Tom and Nancy said...

I'm sorry it has taken such a long time but so glad you're making progress.

AM Kingsfield said...

Standing on your own two feet is a wonderful accomplishment!

Middle Child said...

Wow - what a long haul - you are a tough one altho maybe you didn't feel so tough at times