Thursday, June 17, 2010

I Plight Thee My Troth

On this date forty-nine years ago my beloved and I plighted our troth to one another. (I looked it up. That means to pledge truth, or to promise faithfulness in all parts of our life together.) Forty-nine years ago truth and love were about all we had to pledge to each other.

I was 20 years old with two more months of an unpaid internship before finishing my nursing degree. My beloved was 23 years old with a college degree, good prospects and a telegram offering him a temporary job. I had a car and he had an old pickup truck. I had managed to save $600 from my part time work as a nurse's aid. That $600 seemed like more than enough for us to start life together. We rented a small, furnished apartment behind the hospital where I was working and set up housekeeping. My husband began working shortly after our three day honeymoon. Before we had used up our $600 he was bringing home a paycheck. He was a research scientist and made a good salary - $600 a month. I never once worried about not having money, even though we had almost none. We worked hard, enjoyed long careers, raised a family and are now retired.

Our love and the promise of a wonderful life together seemed like more than enough forty-nine years ago. It was.

Did you have a job and money saved when you got married?


Random Thinker said...

Happy Anniversary! Seems like your plighted troth has been in good hands all this time.

We had no money when we got married 26 years ago. He had a full time job as a roofer and I was a college student with a part time job pressing clothes at the dry cleaners.

Sharon said...

Happy anniversary to a wonderful couple. You both have blessed my family over the years. We had some money saved when we got married almost 31 years ago. We used it to put a down payment on some furniture. I was a secretary, and Jim was a manager at a department store.

Jordan said...

Well, when I got married last year (haha, this is really the example you were looking for, right?) I was a grad student who was getting paid to teach and do research and my husband had found a job with an hourly wage in the area while he was finishing his masters degree online. I guess that counts as jobs and money? But we have ridiculously generous friends and family who have helped us start our life together. I feel like starting a life together these days is so different than 49 years ago; if you say that you have love and trust people will just laugh at you. Now you need money and a plan and it all has to make sense.

FoxyMoron said...

Congratulations, what a wonderful achievement!

We got married in our mid thirties, didn't have much then, don't have much now but we've had almost seventeen years of love, and fun and adventure.

You two are an inspiration. Perhaps a post about what makes a marriage last?

Sling said...

Happy Anniversary Mom..You've lived a blessed life to be sure.

Cazzie!!! said...

Wonderful picture, and such great life story.. I am sure there will be that much more to add to your life journey together :)
I worked from age 15 at a nursing home. Worked my way through college and continue to work with four kids. Like you, I love my job and cannot think of being anything else..except a pharmacist as I love researching medications and knowing what is new and what contra indicates what and yadda yadda.
Enough about me...enjoy your time :)

just me said...

Happy Anniversary! YOu two are an outstanding couple.

I agree things were a lot different back in '61 (the year I was born, incidentally).

DH and I got married in '89, while he was in seminary and making $12,000/year, living in NYC. Fortunately, I had a good job, but no savings and was still paying off college loans.

Made that last loan payment 3 mos before E was born; DH made his last payment just before D was born. If you wait to get married/have kids until you "can afford it," you'll never do either one!

Lots of love -

Miss Healthypants said...

Happy Anniversary! :) We were relatively poor when we got married...Iwanski worked in a video store, I was a first-year teacher making $16,000 per year(!). We have more money nowadays, although we definitely have some lean times, as well as "fat" times. We get through the lean times with our faith & our sense of humor. :)

Middle Child said...

June the 17 was the day my dad was killed, the day we moved into our lovely old white house on Lake rd...and many other dates - am so glad for you it is a happy date - and no we never worried about money, had no credit cards and no debt - had not much at all - good times!
Happy anniversary