Tuesday, January 08, 2008


You just can’t trust the polls. They all said that Obama would win in New Hampshire. He did come in second, but Hillary won. This whole election process is such a long, drawn out process. I get tired of the speeches that all begin to sound alike. I wonder how much I can believe of anything anybody says. It is frustrating and confusing. But it sure is better than a bloody coup as a way of getting new leaders. I am grateful for the privilege of voting. I live in Maryland where the primary election will occur on February 12. More than twenty states will have held their primaries before I get to vote. I wonder if my vote will matter by then. Will the candidate already be chosen by February 12?

I took a couple of on-line quizzes to see which candidate most closely reflected my views. They both said Obama was my closest match. John Edwards was second and Hillary was third. None of the Republicans were anywhere near my point of view.

I guess we will just have to wait and see. The only thing I know for sure is that W will no longer be president.


Simon said...

All the speeches sound the same because the speech writers learn to have their candidates say what everyone wants to hear, rather than what they REALLY think. How do we really know that Hilary isn't racist? Or that Obama isn't a sexist? We dont know, they wouldn't be as daft as to come out and give their own, honest, heart felt opinions. They would win the same number of votes as me if I stood.. zero! Thats my opinion anyway, be it cynical or not.

Unknown said...

It all sounds alike to me and I am personally sick to death of it. I want to choose someone that is really going to do a good job but I can't wrap my head around who that really will be.
I think each vote can count if people are still listening by that time.

John said...

Honestly, I don't listen to what they say as much as I listen to how they say it. Then I try to pick the one that seems like the least of the liars. I have been so disappointed in the political process that no one seems good enough to me anymore. I agree with Greeny. Sick to death of it.

Linda said...

re: your last sentence.

WOO HOO!!!!!

rosemary said...

My mother always said when it was time to vote that one's individual vote always counted. I don't have a clue when Idaho's primary is but Idaho is a red, red, red, red state. My little democratic vote had better count.

Sling said...

You know what would impress me in a candidate?..For one of them to say,"This country has gone straight down the toilet in the last seven years..I don't even care if I get a second term,but the insanity buck stops here!"

AM Kingsfield said...

What Yolinna said.
That's enough for me.

Lorraine said...

375 days.