Thursday, November 16, 2006


Getting old is something that happens little by little. Most of the time you don’t notice it is even happening, and then, all of a sudden something comes along and tells you, “Hey, look at that. You are getting old.”

I quit taking baths a couple of months ago. Don’t worry; I do take showers so I am clean. But I love to take a nice hot bubble bath. I soak in the warm, perfumed water and just let life float away. It is a lovely, peaceful time. A problem developed at the end of my last bath. I couldn’t get out of the bathtub. My knees felt too weak to get me up. I was afraid to stand up for fear of slipping and doing severe damage to either the bathtub or me. It was not a peaceful feeling. I did eventually manage to crawl over the edge and land safely on the floor, but it was a sight I am sure no one wants to try to visualize. I have not been in the tub again since that day.

Today my daughter and her friend came over. Her friend installed a grab bar on the wall of the bathtub. It is securely fastened so I can pull up and feel confident that I won’t fall down. It is a lovely gift. I am looking forward to a long, hot bubble bath. The grab bar sits there and says you need help. You are old. It also says my daughter loves me and I can take a bath. Life is full of mixed messages. I will dwell on the fact that I feel loved.


AM Kingsfield said...

I couldn't let the lack of a grab bar rob you of that much peace. I remember as a child that the steamy smell of Jean Nate meant leave Mom alone.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like a long bath.

I think your legs were just "very relaxed"! The grab bar was a good idea. Also make sure your bathmats are the non-slip wouldn't want them sliding from under you.

I'm glad you're doing well. Just remember to click your heels three times and say...

Calgon carry me away!