In the spring of last year a friend called to say that Todd was on facebook. I looked and, and sure enough, there he was! His big smile and beautiful eyes stared back at me from his profile picture. I just cried. He was alive. He looked happy. His profile said he was the army and that he was married! I was amazed. I sent him a message and asked him to call. On Mother's Day, 2010, I got an email form Iraq. It said,
“Hi Mom. I'm sorry it's been so long. I miss you. I love you. I'll call soon. Todd”
We have talked several times since then. We met his wife and step-daughter. We have been getting to know each other again.

Thanksgiving day Todd flew home. He was nervous. I was excited. The moment we saw each other we both started running. It was a wonderful hug! There were lots of tears and lots of laughter. His sweet wife just stood there laughing and crying with us. In the moment of that wonderful hug the long years of not knowing melted away. We were a family again.
God does indeed answer prayers.
What a beautiful post, I have tears for you all. I didn't know you had been out of touch with your son for so long. I am also estranged from two of my children, but see! Miracles can happen.
There is a God...I don't know how one copes when a child gets out of contact
What a great picture Mom. The look of joy on your face is priceless. RT
crying in amsterdam as i await my flight back home.... God is good.
What a gorgeous post, and it is just amazing how the bond of that love remains, through thick and thin. Once a Mum always a Mum. I wish you all the best for a happy new year xoxo
I just popped over here from Cazzie's blog and I'm so glad I did. Your reunion is heart warming and I can see an amazing new world opening up for all of you. Thanks for being so open and sharing it with us.
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