Last weekend I helped at a church Halloween party for the children. It was, as always, a fun time. I enjoy seeing the kids in their costumes and having time to listen to them.
Yesterday I saw this picture of me chatting with one of my young friends. I was startled. I look like an old lady. I suppose the fact that we celebrated my seventieth birthday and fiftieth anniversary this year is a clue to the fact that I should look old, but it still surprises me. In my head I'm still the girl I was when I was young. In my head I still look like I did when I was twenty.
In my head I still look like this. I'm sure the mirror is just playing tricks on my eyes.
La Liga là gì? Lịch sử hình thành giải đấu
1 year ago
I think you look great! and you've accomplished so much in your life thus far.
How you see yourself and how you feel is much important than what a photo shows.
Weird, the same thing is happening in my mirror. Must be hereditary.
I see a strong, wonderful woman who cares so much about others.
Mum said exactly this when she was 66 - she saw herself in a ship window and wondered who that old lady was because she saw herself at about 39 - that was the age when all us kids were at home and Dad was still alive - obviously a happy time for her with so much heartache soon to happen
Life is just full of surprises... and your life is full of fun and that is why time has got away from you I guess, you look wonderful :):)
My mum who died aged only 66 said she always got a shock when she saw herself in a shop window...she thought she stopped at 39 - her happiest years - but there she was in the windows aged 66 fragile and close to death - but only aged physically, her mind as sharp a a tack
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