Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 We met Dot and Mark forty years ago. They were a young couple expecting their first baby. We were the parents of four young children. We became friends and our lives intertwined. My children became babysitters for their children. Their children became babysitters for my grandchildren. We shared our holidays. We shared our joys and we shared our sorrows. We became part of one another.

            Dot and Mark sold their house this week. They are retiring and moving to North Carolina where their youngest daughter lives. They will no longer live around the corner. They are leaving a hole in my world. I will miss them.

            Go with God my friends. 


booda baby said...

Isn't that the sweet thing, though, that the hole will be filled with memories and love and oooh! new adventures? (Who better to fill it than you?!) Also, it doesn't hurt that this age we live in lets us keep and nurture friendships.

Tracy said...

I love them, too.

I imagine you feel as Winnie The Pooh did when he said, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

I know you will miss them.

Middle Child said...

So sad when good friends leave