This morning several friends were laughing about our escapades with mice. This is my mouse story.
I was large with child, about a week before the birth of my second daughter. Shortly before bedtime I went into the kitchen to ice a cake I had baked earlier in the day. My husband was in the bedroom getting ready for bed when he heard me scream. He came running into the kitchen, wearing only his white briefs to see what had caused my shriek. I was pointing to the corner of the cabinet yelling, “Mouse! There's a mouse behind my cookbooks.” Being my brave knight, minus the shining armor, he quickly put a table leaf across the doorway into the living room to confine the scary creature and told me to wait in the living room. He then grabbed the fly swatter, crept to corner, flung the books out of the way and swatted at the mouse. The quick-footed mouse ran, leapt over the carefully placed barrier and ran straight toward me. I climbed into a chair and the mouse ran down the hall and into the linen closet. Standing up in our rocking chair I pointed toward the closet as my brave husband chased after the mouse. He carefully opened the closet, but could not see the critter. There was blanket lying on the floor which the mouse was obviously cowering under. With fly swatter at ready he quickly reached in, flung the blanket out of the closet and swatted with a mighty swing at the empty closet floor. The mouse had crawled into the folds of the blanket. Mouse and blanket were now flying straight at me and I was screaming. The stunned mouse hit the floor and seemed to hesitate. The hesitation was just long enough for my mighty hunter to hit him with the fly swatter. The mouse went to its great reward and my husband went to bed. When I went again to try to ice the cake I noticed a corner was missing and little foot prints trailed across the cake. I threw out the cake knowing my little mouse had gone to heaven with a tummy full of yummy chocolate cake.
Do you have a mouse story?
Cute story - no mouse stories here unless you count the numerous dead mice that our cats have deposited in the house over the years. It's especially nice when they are only half there.
Aww, I almost feel sorry for the mouse! :) He was probably so bewildered by what was happening to him. :)
I like rodents--but I guess I wouldn't like them in my kitchen--and particularly, not in my cake! :)
Once several years ago, our pet hamster got loose and crawled across my bare chest (yes, I said my bare chest) in the middle of the night. That was a rude awakening! *grin* But I knew immediately it was the hamster. When we found her, she emptied her cheek pouches, which contained, among other things: a peanut, a potato chip fragment, and a tiny piece of shiny blue foil. I thought that was just too cute. :)
A flyswatter?
I have had several mouse encounters. My favorite two were the Christmas Eve mouse that brought some excitement to a pajama party I was having, and the mouse my half-hearted cat brought into my house, unkilled, and released.
No mouse story here, but I do have a possum story.
Awwww! Well, my mice story (yes plural) was when I was at my friend's place, she is like, my adopted Mum. Anyway, she is a clean freak in her house and she does not let a crumb sit on the floor before she is out with the vacuum cleaner!
One day we seen one mouse behind her fridge. So we set a trap. We got it in 5 minutes, we used peanut butter as bait. She reset the trap with peanut butter..sure enough, we caught another mouse. Reset again...5 more times..we caught 7 mice all together that day. They were under her fridge..tiny field mice. I felt sorry for them :(
Great story mom!
One morning,my mom and sister were in the kitchen making breakfast,and my sister was standing next to the toaster,waiting for it to pop up.
When it did,a mouse popped up with it!(just like a cartoon).
The really funny part was watching them both trying to run in different directions..They were wearing socks on a linoleum floor,and basically running frantically in place.
love it.....We don't have trash pickup out in the sticks. We have to go to the dump or waste collection center as the sign says. We would put our trash in the back of the pickup. The first time we ever went to the dump it was late summer. Steve let the tail gate down and I swear 50 mice ran out. The trash bags were all chewed open and we had to use a shovel to get the trash out of the truck. Steve bought a metal dumpster.
First of all I have to say I cringed reading your story because I am TERRIFIED of mice. When I was a little girl I reached down for some potatoes in a bottom kitchen drawer for my Mom and had a mouse run across my hand. Since then I have been terrified of mice. Here is a recent story:
About two months ago I was watching TV in the evening. Jerry had gone to bed already. I heard this funny scratching noise in the kitchen. I went and heard something in the bottom drawer of the stove. (didn't even think it was a mouse at this point)I went and got Jerry up as I thought the stove pilot or something was going wacky. He got up and came to the kitchen totally naked LOL and grabbed the fly swatter. (Yeh like that old flimsy thing could kill a mouse!) Anyway he pulled the stove drawer out and lifted the top of the grill off and tried to swat the mouse. Of course it took off towards the laundry room. By this time I am kneeling on the recliner screaming. The scatching I heard was the mouse checking out his stash of dry dog food he'd been bringing in. Jerry just went back to bed and said he'd set a trap the next day. I was stunned and wondered how I was going to get down the hall to the bedroom without this mouse chasing me. I left all the lights on and just took off running and jumped on the bed. I told Jerry all the lights were on and I wasn't going to go back and turn them off. He did. The mouse was finally caught in the trap two days later. About two weeks after that Jerry told me he'd caught a second mouse. He was afraid to tell me when it happened.
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